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Hi folks, today I'm going ham!

In today's early ad-free video I'm going to talk about a hobby that I totally overlooked until last year, but as a developer, I'm HIGHLY ALIGNED with: Amateur Radio.

Did you know about ham radio before? I'd love to know if anyone's had experience!

Thank you all for your support, talk to you on Discord :-)




I have been interested in Ham Radio for a long time. At least since 2005 when one of the worst earthquakes in living memory hit Pakistan and cut off all contact with our northern part. The only way the people in the north were able to communicate the extent of the damage was by contacting their friends in Islamabad using Ham Radio. It’s been a little bumpy ride for me since the equipment had been expensive, the regulations Byzantine and my time scarce when I was is Pakistan. Nevertheless, before I got my Fulbright award, I had plunged and started the process of obtaining my license in Pakistan. Luckily, coming over to the USA was really good for me as I contacted the local Ham organization and got a nice little Baofeng off Amazon. I’ve been listening and talking on and off for the past four years and currently hold a tier 2 license. In fact, tomorrow is the Memorial Day parade and I will be at one of the spots on the parade route providing updates to net control and the emergency services. I’ve really enjoyed this. W8ALI. 73.


That's fantastic! I've yet to join in with emergency services support, but I would LOVE that! Cool callsign! 73


I bought a little Baofeng to see what’s on air. I haven’t heard anything yet but I’ll keep looking. I’m in SE London on the top of a hill so thought I’d hear a lot. There’s loads of weird tones and pulses but no voice. The nearest repeater to me seems to be about 5 miles so perhaps I’m just not near anything. When I have time I’ll look at licensing and better equipment. Thanks for this post Tris.


Leave it tuned to the calling frequency, 145.5mhz, or the output frequency of you nearest repeater!