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Still sold out of the Mentoring Tiers, keep an eye on them, as folks drop off now and then. More patreon tiers open up next month, and I will try to figure out how to make a waiting list!

But if you're subscribed, go ahead and book your preferred time for May.


Update follows:

I've not made a big announcement about this yet BUT I QUIT MY DAY JOB THIS MONTH! My last day is towards the end of April. I'm so grateful to you all for your support, without which I could not embark on this exciting new chapter of my professional life!

Therefore, from May, I've changed my bookable days to:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday.
(they remain UK office hours 09:00-17:30)

Though this removes the weekend, it increases the total number of hours bookable. I'll experiment with this, and may increase the number of patreon slots from 15 to (perhaps) 20, depending on what my income shortfall is after quitting my day job. I won't ever take on more than one mentoring session per day, as that would dilute the quality for you, and increase the stress for me!


My longer-term goal is to use the extra time I will have to make more videos, podcasts, and music for my projects.

I'm ramping up production for Modem Prometheus season 2, and my new podcast, usrstories.com, which I think you'll love!

Thank you all for your support, next week's video is on a topic I'm SO excited to share my love of: Off-grid Amateur Radio.



Congrats Tris! Owning your own time is a massive unlock


Dan, thank you. I hope that with the time and flexibility this new working pattern affords me I can make loads of new content for the community! :-)