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I am down and out with something gross that has drained my soul and crammed it all up into my sinuses. Hopefully it goes away quickly and I can resume the tiddy.



I am sorry Nurgle's blessing has found you. I hope you recover soon.

Michael S Marks

The titty can wait. Get some rest, and come back when you feel better. My your dreams be filled with Nurse Champaign and Dawn lovingly checking your temperature and feeding you soup. Get well soon.


Get well soon 😊


Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon. When I come down with an illness I always reach for a couple big bottles of Cranberry Juice. Doesn't matter what mix. It knocks it right out in short order.


I hate when that happens, hope you feel better soon!

Bruce W

Wishing you a swift recovery!


Bernal, hope you get better soon


Hope you get well soon