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I'm trying to get something, anything done. It hasn't been easy with being sick, and yesterday we had to say goodbye to Ladybird. She could no longer stand on her back legs and she started having seizures, and so best not to let her suffer. She was more human in many ways than most humans. I will miss her. I'm going to pick up the tablet tonight and see what happens, maybe some good art will come of it.


A Number 9 Large

I'm sorry for your loss, Jeremy. :(


I share in your pain. The family had to let go one of ours today as well.

john henry thelin

I'm sorry for your loss. I understand what it's like to lose one.


I am sorry for your loss. We lost one of the pups my pitty had 7 years ago this past holiday, so I understand the pain. *hugs*


I'm so sorry for your loss. You have my condolences.


I'm sorry Jeremy. Damn thats rough. But I'm sure your dog had a great life.


Sorry to hear that, I understand what it's like to lose a loved one like that

Lloyd Lucrezia

I'm sorry your loss. I hope you take the time to heal. Losing a beloved pet is a deep wound. I have been through the loss of several cats and have two elderly cats that aren't dying at this moment but I know someday I will lose them. I don't know if I have said anything of value but I sincerely wish you the best and am truly sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Don’t force yourself for our sakes. Take all the time you need to heal, both physically and emotionally


I understand what you're going through. That black millstone around the heart when a pet dies. It's awful, but you did the right thing. When I was a lot younger, I had a grandmother that, while generous, was unable to do emotionally hard things. She had dogs, and even though they were ancient and in terrible shape, she couldn't put them down. Unfortunately I will always remember the miserable shivering things they had become, almost blind and incontinent, barely aware of what was around them. They were suffering because she couldn't let go. You did the right thing.

Marcus Dolce

It's never easy losing a member of the family. Take all the time you need.


So sorry to hear that Jeremy T_T take all the time you need *hugs*


sorry for your loss, I know how it feels, lost my cat a few months ago, it was llike hell and still it is, she was like a daughter to me, a best friend, a mate. I wish you and your loved ones the best and all strength it needs to move on *hugs*


I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend.