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Hooray for Hindu goddesses!

Beads = carpal tunnel.



Claudija Tzandrapova

Yay! Shakti is back! I do love her, there's that sense of the exotic about the lioness that makes her stand out. Isn't it weird though, she has almost the same name as Jedi Mistress Shaak-ti? Though I think you made her before the Star Wars prequels, it's always made me chuckle. Though she could fight in your Burger Armageddon with a lightsaber *chuckles*. Will we see Princess Shakti in the upcoming art pack or will she miss this one but be in September's?


The sketch will be in August but she's not done yet so her colored version will be in September's. I'm going to try something new with the submissions this month, so paid patrons can get access to stuff as it is made.

Claudija Tzandrapova

That is a really interesting idea, letting us see the step-by-step almost of how you build her up into the final product. What's the plan for it so far?


Not sure what I will do with the background, whether or not to make it really tacky with bright colors like the Indian comic books, or to go with the standard pillows and curtains and hookah. You should drop in my streams sometime and watch it actually go step-by-step :)

Claudija Tzandrapova

in the series so far you had her on a lovely carpet, she had her hookah and pillows which really was sweet. If it's a continuation of that same... scene if you like: perhaps she's put her hookah aside for the moment to show us what she's got and perhaps the cushions are strewn about... kinda like she's getting ready to show the viewer something extra-special. I'm shy about streams I must be honest *chuckles* about what happens or what you're supposed to do with them and so on. I do see you advertise on your FA page when you are streaming but I don't know... might hop in on one but then again, I'm sure you've got a lot of people at them that are much more interesting than me xD


There's nothing that says you have to entertain anyone, just watch it for the art :)

Claudija Tzandrapova

Brian was talking about a stream on an earlier post I made.. think it was for the censorship which is why I am a bit hesitant about joining streams as I feel I'd like to join in but then it might be a couple you always have there so are talking about a lot of things I don't understand *smiles*. It's okay I'm happy to just see whatever you want to share with us myself. Did you settle on the background for Shakti or is it still being a pain in the butt?