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Mystery Meat Horse finds Dawn's cervix. Chaos ensues.




The horse guy is very well done; I really like the way his face came out. Let's see how many other cervixes (cervices? cervii?) he can locate.

Claudija Tzandrapova

Is this a remastered version of the scraps_dawn_horseride image you shared with us as one of the sketches that wasn't going anywhere? If so, it sure does look awesome now. Have you managed to get around to the vampire hunter image too? He's on his back with a winged female vampire astride him that in itself, you mentioned was a redo of another line art? It'd be so cool to see them finished when you get time due to being busy with the Gunbunny game *smiles*

Bruce W

Vampire Hunter? You mean my vixen Tamara? She's a prostitute, the wings are fake. She's taking care of business (the customer in a monk costume). That is/was a sketch commission. Yes, that was a requested re-do of an original Bernal piece with Sasha.