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You are awesome! Like, 80s big hair neon air-guitar devil-horns awesome, which is better than awesome. Seriously, thank you for supporting my Patreon. It helps me pay the bills and keep not just myself but other artists going (I pay them as well to help out).
My reward delivery is a bit disorganized right now; I’ve been working on an automated content delivery system but development is slow. If you are not getting your rewards, please contact me and I’ll get that fixed as soon as possible.

High Resolution content:
If you did not get a dropbox link via private message, please let me know and I will try and get you one immediately.

There is a channel in the Discord where you can get the most recent High Res dropbox link.
I have been maintaining about a year of past content in the dropbox; anything older than that, I archive at http://www.gumroad.com/jbernal

For all tiers:
This link will take you to the sketch archive and dropbox: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-archive-15309...
You can also filter more recent posts here on Patreon which are tagged as "sketch"I also maintain a Discord server where you can hang out and chat with me and other Patrons; you can find out how to set that up here.

Web Resolution content: my recent art should show up in the posts here on Patreon (with thumbnails that say “click for hi res”).

Added: 2024-03
You are awesome! Like, 80s big hair neon air-guitar devil-horns awesome, which is better than awesome. Seriously, thank you for supporting my Patreon. It helps me pay the bills and keep not just myself but other artists going (I pay them as well to help out).
My reward delivery is a bit disorganized right now; I’ve been working on an automated content delivery system but development is slow. If you are not getting your rewards, please contact me and I’ll get that fixed as soon as possible.

Web Resolution Tier: my recent art should show up in the posts here on Patreon (with thumbnails that say “click for hi res”).

For all tiers:
This link will take you to the sketch archive and dropbox: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-archive-15309906
You can also filter more recent posts here on Patreon which are tagged as "sketch"
I also maintain a Discord server where you can hang out and chat with me and other Patrons; you can find out how to set that up here.

Added: 2024-01
You are awesome! Like, 80s big hair neon air-guitar devil-horns awesome, which is better than awesome. Seriously, thank you for supporting my Patreon. It helps me pay the bills and keep not just myself but other artists going (I pay them as well to help out).

My reward delivery is a bit disorganized right now; I’ve been working on an automated content delivery system but development is slow. If you are not getting your rewards, please contact me and I’ll get that fixed as soon as possible.

For all tiers:
This post will take you to the sketch dropbox (sketches are also posted here on Patreon): https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-archive-15309906
I also maintain a Discord server where you can hang out and chat with me and other Patrons; you can find out how to set that up here.

Web Resolution Tier:
If you signed up for web resolution, my recent art should show up in the posts here on Patreon (with thumbnails that say “click for hi res”).

High Resolution Tier and higher:
If you signed up for high resolution, I send out dropbox links at the beginning of the month after pledges are processed. There is also a channel in the Discord where you can get the High Res dropbox link. If you cannot find it or did not receive a message with the High Res dropbox link, please send me a message on here or Discord, and I’ll get you set up.
I have been maintaining about a year of past content in the dropbox; anything older than that, I archive at http://www.gumroad.com/jbernal

Conspiracy Tier and higher:
Conspiracy Patrons get extra votes on what gets colored, and are entitled to 2 permanent slots on the WHEEL (which picks my sketches). Every sketch stream starts with a Patron-only spin, so the odds of your idea being sketched are much higher. Please contact me with your choices for the WHEEL and I will update it. You can see what sorts of things are up there at http://sexyfur.com/wheel

Added: 2023-01