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Hi everyone 😉 Time for the monthly DevLog 😊

Light Fairytale Episode 1

I'm still working on the update mentioned last month. It's taking more time than planned as I've made many changes that require ton of playtesting to make sure nothing breaks.

Now planning to release it early next month on Steam and soon after on consoles - including the new Nintendo Switch release 😁

I know kung- um, I mean I know Blender...

I've finally decided to learn Blender and switch to it as my main 3D tool!

I think it's becoming the major 3DCG software that every artist needs to master. Not only it's free, but it's also a very powerful and quite complete package.

So, I've purchased a video course of around 18 hours and watched it completely in just a few days - that was intense 😅

I wish learning was as fast as in "The Matrix". Until then, watching videos at 1.5x speed does help a bit 😁

Super Night Riders S1

Anyway, my first attempt in Blender was to setup a 3D Anime model of Alice from SNRS1. Here's a look.

I'm considering making cutscene videos in this 3D Anime style for Super Night Riders S1: An opening, ending and rewards for each course.

As I'll be making these myself, the monetary cost would be close to zero.

I'd love to commission actual 2D Anime, but that would cost too much for this project.

I'm still planning to continue using 2D Anime for the Light Fairytale series though to stay consistent.

So, what do you think of this 3D Anime style? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments bellow 😊

Side Works

I'm a big fan of retro-gaming and I think that CRTs are a must for the best experience. I currently have 2 Sony PVM CRTs: 9 and 14 inches.

So, here's how SNRS1 looks like on a CRT at 240p 😋

Please check the full resolution version in the downloads bellow.

Though, it's difficult to capture this on camera as the screen is really bright.

I've tried to replicate the look with a shader on PC.

It does look OK on this static shot, but the problem with such filters on a modern display is that as soon as there is movement - especially vertical, the image becomes blurry and the effect falls apart.


For this month's 4K wallpaper, here's the playable team from the Light Fairytale series in chibi style 😊

Actually, there are even more playable characters planned! Each one have its own weapon and personal skill.

You'll be able to switch your partner at savepoints as you did in Episode 2. I think this will give a lot of replay value!

What's Next

In the following weeks, I'll be updating both episodes of Light Fairytale on all platforms, and port them to the Nintendo Switch.

Change of plan: I think I'll restart working on Episode 3 just after that - so around April, and not focus on Super Night Riders S1 as I was planning.

The reason is that this would delay Episode 3 too much - and I know that most of you guys are waiting for it - probably more than SNRS1.

I'll still work on SNRS1 on the side, but will focus on the Light Fairytale series for a while.

SNRS1 will release on Early Access when I'll consider it reached a great state in term of gameplay and features.

And that's it for this month!

Again, thank you very much for your support. See you next month 😊



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