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Major news: Light Fairytale Episode 1 is finally available to pre-order on Xbox One worldwide - in 40 countries including Japan!

The game is enhanced on the Xbox One X, running on the equivalent of the "very high" quality preset on PC rendered in 1440p.

Unfortunately this port required more time than planned - around 3 months, I was expecting just 1. This was mostly due to the certification process.

Anyway, it is finally here. Thanks everyone for your support during the development!

Here's the store page: microsoft.com/store/p/light-fairytale-episode-1/9p2001lnv456 

This pre-order will unlock on the Friday 13 September - in less than 2 weeks. Though you can start pre-downloading the game right now - around 1 GB.

On a sad note, the development of the PlayStation 4 version is currently on hold. The game is playable and should need just 2 more weeks of work to be finalized, but there is one major issue: The IARC rating system in not yet fully implemented on PS4. Currently it only support 3 countries including the US. Full support was planned for this summer but it is still not available. I can't release on PS4 until it is.

The other option is to work with PEGI and CERO to support Europe and Japan, but this is very expensive in both budget and time.

I did have my previous game Super Night Riders rated by PEGI, but the cost for Light Fairytale would be 10 times more than what I have paid at that time due to various reasons - and I can't afford that right now.

CERO is also very expensive and difficult to get, I didn't support it for Super Night Riders so it is not even released in Japan on PS4.

I did want to support the Nintendo Switch too, but due to the delay of the Xbox One version I don't think I'll have the time for that - as I now need to complete the PC version of Episode 2.

Speaking of which, here's an animated GIF from the new title screen in Episode 2!

Both Light Fairytale and Super Night Riders are updated to Unity 2017 LTS, which is the stable branch. Unity has released 2018 LTS a few months ago, but upgrading a production ready project is not easy.

I did make a separate project for Light Fairytale Episode 2, and upgraded it to 2018 to try the new features, as it is still not released on any platform. Here's a few shots.

As you can see, the lighting is improved, better post processing too, better reflections and fog.

Unfortunately I've found too many issues on this version, so I think I'll revert back to 2017 for Episode 2.

I might consider 2018 again - or maybe even 2019 if available around that time - for Episode 3.

Bonus, here's a 1440p wallpaper featuring both main characters of Super Night Riders and Light Fairytale!

And that's it for this month!

Thank you so much for your continuous support. See you next time!




Well I glad you were able to get your release worked out with XBox, but bummed about the news on the PS4 front. I think it'll be worth the wait though.