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Early this month I've received the new main promotional artwork for Light Fairytale, it is included in high-res as the banner of this post.

We've discussed about it in a previous poll, so please leave your thoughts about this final version!

I've also released the full theme-song Anime on my YouTube channel. The song is called "Someday to the Blue Sky", I hope you'll like it!

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scd1yr_Z4sw

Light Fairytale is currently fully playable from start to finish in term of exploration and events. I've been working on the battle part which requires a bit more work. Here's a couple GIFs.

In the following screenshot you can see Kuroko using her A.R. Goggles during a battle. These will give you data about the enemies that builds-up the more you fight. For instance, casting a fire elemental attack to an enemy that absorb fire will add this information to the data!

I'll be working on the battle system a bit more in the coming days, then I'll just have to implement Steam's specific features such as achievements and cloud saves - which should be easy enough as I have an experience on that with Super Night Riders.

After that, it will be testing / polishing time. I think releasing the game in October will be tight - but still possible. I also don't want to rush the release - even if it is an Early Access. Anyway, the release is near, it's just a matter of weeks!

And that's it for this month. Please like and comment bellow!

Thank you so much for your support. See you next time - hopefully after the release of Light Fairytale :)




Looking nice, don't make the achievements luck based :P... btw, you long do you expect to take on the console porting process?


素晴らしい! The new promotional artwork is great! Can't wait to play the game ;-)


ありがとう!Can't wait to release the game and have your feedback :)


Thanks! Don't worry, the achievements aren't luck based :) About the release on consoles, the current plan is releasing the game on Steam Early Access first, then work on the final PC version with the help of the community - this will require a few more months. Then I'll start working on the Xbox One / PS4 versions - I'll try to release on both at the same time, I'll probably need at least one month for that. TL;DR It will be around early next year!