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I initially thought the same thing about the murder weapon. Why jump these hoops of psychics and the whole motus operandi of the show. Part of the answer was obviously to bring Kristina Frye back into the picture. The other point of narrative convenience, alongside US law. I guess they were saying Clark's, whoops, sorrry, Russell's prints were not on file, and that you can't just fingerprint everybody as a matter of procedure. (I think) you have to arrest a person first as well. One might argue, based on the suspicion they laid out after the fact. They might have had justification for an arrest. So really, basically, it is to serve the hook of the show. Procedural cop drama that uses mentalism to solve crimes, even when that hook doesn't really serve the logic in every case. I love these shows as they are So Much fun and the drama and interpersonal relationships around the 'case of the week' is often a larger draw. Because, objectively, about 50% of the time, this isn't the most sophisticated of writing. Maintaining that level for 20 odd episodes while adhering to your contrived formula, is just not as sustainable. Which perhaps is why miniseries have become a more widespread popular format in recent decades. There will always be those shows mapped out for the hope of syndication, which is at a 88 episode minimum. This is money driven and not art driven. Also the make and renewal process hurts those shows that don't know where their long term future lies. I would say that this show does fall into that category along the way too.