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Kelly Parks

It wasn't Petey on the tape. It was Mark.

Kelly Parks

Just rewatched and I wanted to point something out. This is not a spoiler because it's all info in the first two episodes. When Mark gives Helly the five question survey, question four was, "What was Mr. Eagan's favorite breakfast?" In the second episode when Milcheck was escorting Helly's outie to get her brain implant he paused to remark about how he loved seeing the sunlight on the face of the giant sculpture. Milcheck said, "You know he had three raw eggs in milk every morning? It was his favorite breakfast." So that giant face is Mr. Eagan. When Mark looked at his check list of things to do that morning, one of the items was to silently acknowledge the portrait of Kier Eagan. And when Miss Cobell promoted Mark to replace Petey she told him he'd been selected to "serve Kier" in the advanced role of Macro Data department chief.