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Joseph LeRoy

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent. -- Adam Smith


Honestly, I think what Garcia said WAS kinda necessary. Was it harsh? YES, definitely. And I totally get why it could come off as unnecessary. But I totally get what she was saying there. Derek had every right to be feeling the way he was feeling, of course he did. His cousin had been abducted and treated as a slave for 8 years, it's HORRIBLE. But he was spiralling and wasn't going to be able to help anyone if he continued spiralling like that. I don't know if he would've had the same control when he did eventually get to go in that Interrogation Room if Garcia hadn't said that. However, I like that in the end she flew out to be there for him and I feel like that was kinda her way of being like "I probably went too far with what I said, but I AM still here for you and I'm sorry." I do think she probably realised she was a little harsh on him, and that's definitely part of why she came there to be there for him in person. But really, that's why people aren't meant to work cases involving their family. Conflict of interest and all that... Derek probably shouldn't have been on the case. Am I glad he was? Of course I am, I doubt they could've figured it out without him. But really, he probably should've been taken off the case as it was so personal. So, weirdly this makes me think back to that episode where there was that family who was abducting the girls to marry their son and killing their parents, and we learned that it had been going on for DECADES and there were more families out there doing the same. It kinda makes you wonder here whether the kids would grow up to have those same beliefs as those men. The boys growing up to become the abusers and the little girls growing up to be their wives (and of course some of the boys ending up kidnapping other women...) And it kinda makes me wonder if any of the men already involved were once those kids, ya know? Of course, it's also VERY possible they weren't and they just grew up to be assholes. But there's this weird feeling of "what if?" ya know? I absolutely LOVE how the arrest went down though! With Morgan getting a few hits in, Cindy getting that power of pointing a gun at him and NOT pulling the trigger (so she gets to show that she could've shot him, but she also gets to go away and not go to Prison, she gets to raise her son and be with her family finally.) and then him trying to run away only for JJ and Emily to appear. It was just perfect that Morgan got to get his anger out a little, but he was arrested by two badass women who won't take his shit. It's just perfect when misogynistic men end up getting arrested by women. Putting them in their place. And their Interrogation too! One of my favourites from the show! There's another Interrogation scene later in the show that I LOVE, but obviously I won't tell you anything about it. But I just love scenes like this one where they use a character's prejudice against them. By sending in two women to interrogate a major Misogynist, they just knocked him down a few pegs and it was perfect. Add on what they SAID, and it's even more perfect! The scene where Cindy reunites with her Mum and Derek's sister is just amazing! And little Anthony getting to meet his Grandma and Aunt and Uncle! You just know that kid is gonna be SO loved! And yeah, the music made it even more heartbreaking! But I'm so glad they got her back. And I'm so glad they revisited this storyline and finished it up by them saving Cindy. I really hope they managed to save all the other women and reunite them with their kids too... But we all know that's unlikely. Like you said, there were probably some of the men who found out what happened and panicked and killed them. Some of the women probably found out what happened and tried to escape (because the kids are safe now and so they have no reason to stay anymore) and got killed for it. But hopefully some of them got saved. And you're totally right about criminals having more rights than their victims. Like, they have the right to a fair trial, but what about their victim's right to live? Or to choose what happens to their body. I feel like once you've taken someone else's rights away from them, you should no longer have rights. Like rapists, right? They get their "fair trial" (though they're usually NOT fair, they're usually biased due to the fact that this could "ruin his life" and "he's got so much potential" and all that bullshit...) but they literally took someone else's rights away first. Why should they have rights?! It is so fucked up. And also, I believe people should be allowed to kill their abuser, even if it's not in self defence, and face no charges. (Though I also love the idea of these people suffering in Prison for the rest of their lives...) The System is fucked and I hate it. I love Morgan centred episodes though. He just really delivers on that mix of absolute heartbreak, and absolute rage. Shemar always does a great job. Any episode that is focused around any of the characters is great. But Morgan and Reid are the ones that just break me every time and I get fully invested in a way that probably isn't healthy... Haha And like you said, I love that Hotch didn't give Morgan grief about lying to his family and telling them Cindy was dead. Morgan knows he fucked up, he knows he hurt his family and went against protocol. He KNOWS this. He definitely didn't need his Boss going in on him about it. He already had his family upset at him about it, which was TOTALLY understandable. I get why Derek lied, it was totally understandable and part of me does think he did the right thing by giving them a kind of closure, even if it was fake. But I totally get why they were upset with him for it. And Hotch knew that Morgan knew he'd fucked up. He knew that berating him for it wouldn't do anyone any good. He understands why he did it, he knows Morgan is already suffering enough and he doesn't need anything else added on. And I love that he was instantly ready to go down there for the case when Morgan told him. They all love each other so much and just wanna help. :) But yeah... This episode breaks me every time... So glad there was a happy ending. Also, when you were trying to figure out who she was! I was just yelling at my screen "IT'S VERONICA!! SHAMELESS!! COME ONNNNN!" And then you got it and I was so happy! Haha :D