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Clara V.

Graphology (inferring character traits from handwriting) is a real field, but there is little scientific evidence to support it and it is generally considered a pseudoscience. I would put it on the same level as so-called body language experts or the study of microexpressions. They do exist, but there appear to be no universal rules that would allow reliable conclusions to be drawn. For example, let's imagine a very anxious person who presses the pen very strongly onto the paper. If you looked at the writing you could see that they wrote that way and might conclude that they're anxious, but you might equally conclude that they're angry or maybe they were extremely focused on the writing. There are always too many possible explanations for any given characteristic and all of this also varies dramatically from person to person. So, in the one direction your character traits definitely influence your handwriting, but in the other direction it is practically impossible to draw any reliable conclusions from a handwriting sample. Anyone who says otherwise is a charlatan. The same is true for analysis of body language and facial expressions, it doesn't work in the real world.