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Rosa breaking up with Pimento hurts me so much, but it does make sense to me. She just went to Prison and I think that made her re-evaluate things. She might need someone a bit more stable at this point in her life. It still sucks though, because I love them together. They really are perfect for each other... And yeah, I totally get what you mean with Holt passing Jake at the end there. He did something that he REALLY shouldn't have done because of the trauma of being falsely accused and sent to Prison. He literally let the guy go. And it totally makes sense WHY he would do that. It all just got in his head and it felt like he was doing the right thing at the time, but at the end of the day he DID make a rash decision due to his trauma that could've ended VERY badly. So it is definitely a good thing that he was able to realise that and decide that he isn't ready to be back in the field, despite him passing his evaluation. I like to think that Holt maybe kinda knew that was the choice he'd make when he passed him. That he didn't want to fail him and have him suspended because he didn't wanna risk his mental health due to everything, but he maybe kinda realised that Jake had come to that realisation that he wasn't ready and would still decide to stay out of the field for a bit despite having the choice. If that makes sense? I really do love that they acknowledged that though. That it would be SO much harder to arrest people now because he's been in Prison and really understands how bad it is, and that someone claiming to be innocent would be a big trigger. And I really love the scene where he tells Holt and Charles that he's not ready to be back, because it does get really serious. Like, you can see how much it's affected him, and you can see it on both Holt and Charles' faces that it's breaking their hearts to see him be so real about it and actually admit that he's clearly not okay. Like, they actually don't end the scene on a joke. Sure, they have Jake say the whole "All right, I'm gonna go cry in the bathroom" thing as he leaves, but they end it on Holt and Charles looking really worried. The scene isn't undermined by the joke, it's actually elevated by it because it's so clear that he's using humour as a coping mechanism, and he just left both Charles and Holt speechless. Because I mean, Holt kinda already knew Jake wasn't ready to be back in the field, it was the whole point of everything, but he clearly wasn't expecting that... I also really love that Rosa agreed to be out of the field. She's all tough and all, but she's able to admit that she does need time. She was able to accept it easily. I just love that while she is very tough and scary, we're told by the fact that she agreed to desk duty that she WAS affected by Prison and is still healing. Even if we don't get to see it as much with her as with Jake because she's so much more private about these things...