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AmyWonderland92 (edited)

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2023-12-23 17:10:56 I'm sorry but I can't feel bad for Cook at all! He thinks it's all fun and games but he never takes accountability for anything! Taken? Freddie didn't TAKE JJ OR Effy from you! They aren't YOURS! YOU insulted JJ and he finally saw you for what you are. JJ finally standing up for himself has my whole heart! Cook just has to stick the boot in every single time! saying to Thomas when he was under the influence of drugs, is one thing but this was just cruel! Then the rubbing it in after it's all come out. Thomas has done NOTHING to Cook or anyone actually! He didn't deserve it at all! Panda, you had EVERY SINGLE CHANCE to tell Thomas the truth! You've been hooking up with Cook behind his back for weeks now. Possibly even longer than that! I don't know what the time frame is for this season. Yeah, the Panda/Effy part I think it hurts Effy because she asked her if everything was okay and that she could talk to her about anything, but Panda didn't tell her. I can't feel too bad for Effy over Freddie and Katie. She chose Cook. What did she think was going to happen? That said, I don't like that Effy gets all the blame over the Katie incident. 1. They were all taking hallucinogens and she was TRIPPING big time, so she wasn't in her right mind. But the actual hitting her over the head was self-defence! Katie was attacking her first and she wouldn't get the fuck off of her. If someone did that to me I'd of conked them over the head with a rock too! The aftermath, when Effy woke up she wasn't facing Katie so she had no idea that Katie was lying unconscious.
2023-06-01 23:17:01 I'm sorry but I can't feel bad for Cook at all! He thinks it's all fun and games but he never takes accountability for anything! Taken? Freddie didn't TAKE JJ OR Effy from you! They aren't YOURS! YOU insulted JJ and he finally saw you for what you are. JJ finally standing up for himself has my whole heart! Cook just has to stick the boot in every single time! saying to Thomas when he was under the influence of drugs, is one thing but this was just cruel! Then the rubbing it in after it's all come out. Thomas has done NOTHING to Cook or anyone actually! He didn't deserve it at all! Panda, you had EVERY SINGLE CHANCE to tell Thomas the truth! You've been hooking up with Cook behind his back for weeks now. Possibly even longer than that! I don't know what the time frame is for this season. Yeah, the Panda/Effy part I think it hurts Effy because she asked her if everything was okay and that she could talk to her about anything, but Panda didn't tell her. I can't feel too bad for Effy over Freddie and Katie. She chose Cook. What did she think was going to happen? That said, I don't like that Effy gets all the blame over the Katie incident. 1. They were all taking hallucinogens and she was TRIPPING big time, so she wasn't in her right mind. But the actual hitting her over the head was self-defence! Katie was attacking her first and she wouldn't get the fuck off of her. If someone did that to me I'd of conked them over the head with a rock too! The aftermath, when Effy woke up she wasn't facing Katie so she had no idea that Katie was lying unconscious.

I'm sorry but I can't feel bad for Cook at all! He thinks it's all fun and games but he never takes accountability for anything! Taken? Freddie didn't TAKE JJ OR Effy from you! They aren't YOURS! YOU insulted JJ and he finally saw you for what you are. JJ finally standing up for himself has my whole heart! Cook just has to stick the boot in every single time! saying to Thomas when he was under the influence of drugs, is one thing but this was just cruel! Then the rubbing it in after it's all come out. Thomas has done NOTHING to Cook or anyone actually! He didn't deserve it at all! Panda, you had EVERY SINGLE CHANCE to tell Thomas the truth! You've been hooking up with Cook behind his back for weeks now. Possibly even longer than that! I don't know what the time frame is for this season. Yeah, the Panda/Effy part I think it hurts Effy because she asked her if everything was okay and that she could talk to her about anything, but Panda didn't tell her. I can't feel too bad for Effy over Freddie and Katie. She chose Cook. What did she think was going to happen? That said, I don't like that Effy gets all the blame over the Katie incident. 1. They were all taking hallucinogens and she was TRIPPING big time, so she wasn't in her right mind. But the actual hitting her over the head was self-defence! Katie was attacking her first and she wouldn't get the fuck off of her. If someone did that to me I'd of conked them over the head with a rock too! The aftermath, when Effy woke up she wasn't facing Katie so she had no idea that Katie was lying unconscious.


RIGHT??? what he did was so messed up. He's so entitled, omg. What was the point of scaring the crap out of everyone? I love JJ so much and I'm so proud that he stood up for himself. Ugh, I forgot to mention that because of all the craziness that followed with Effy. When it comes to Effy, I think it was definitely self defense. ITs why when Freddy said he didnt see any marks it annoyed me because .... hello! just because there isnt bruising doesnt mean she wasnt getting hurt. Katie was suffocating her and spitting on her. Plus she was tripping and Katie was completely sober. I was disappointed in Katie because up to that point I did feel bad for her. Yeah, I dont Effy is some evil bitch who would intentionally leave Katie to bleed out so she would have sex with her bf. I still think she should have told someone though, maybe Emily? That way at last she got to tell her side of the story first.