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If the Aria and Ezra's relationship is so disgusting fans should stop watching because they are the main ship and will be here till the end. GET OVER IT. I'm 39 and know the difference between real and make believe. Pennsylvania legal age is 16 and he is no longer her teacher so they can do whatever they want. I can't be the only one who likes older guys and no I never dated a teacher, I never had one that was attractive.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

You should just get used to the fact that people will complain about things they don’t like. And just because it’s “the main ship” it definitely doesn’t mean people have to support and like it. Look at Lucas & Peyton on OTH, half the fandom hates them together. Nobody liked Dawson & Joey together on DC. Even “main ships” that nearly everyone likes, some people won’t, like Cosima & Delphine, I really dislike together. Didn’t particularly like Haley & Elijah either. You telling people not to watch an entire show just because they don’t like a single ship, it’s kind of ridiculous lol