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BJ Stephens

I remember this coming out around the time that Squid Game did, and I think it got overlooked because of the runaway hit that was. But for me I enjoyed this more. Episode 2 was were I definitely got hooked and things start ramping up.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

This came out a year before Squid Game, it just go overlooked in general by a lot of people. After Squid Game became a hit tho, a lot of people who has seen this were recommending it, which is why a lot of people watched it around the same time.

Caradoc Elmet

You're watching Alice in Borderland?! I love this so much. Not many people reacted to it until much, much later after its release. I think it was when Squid Game came out that people started reacting to this in greater numbers, so it was a long wait. I wasn't a huge fan of Squid Game. There was just nothing new in it. It wasn't bad, what they did was done very, very well, it was just too predictable, but turning people's attention back to Alice in Borderland is what I love Squid Game for the most. I always love reactions to this series so be aware... I am judging you lol. I'm just kidding. I always love your reactions so I'm sure I'll love these ones, too. I really hope you enjoy it!

Caradoc Elmet

Forgot to say my second favourite actress is in this series. Tsuchiya Tao is so sweet and adorable in real life, and really tough and amazing in this series. She was the reason I watched this at first, but they are all good in it; I found the story pretty gripping, too.