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One could say that a father's love was a much-needed intervention on two counts. If Walter hadn't crossed to save the life of another Peter, then this Peter wouldn't be here now to help to try to alter time. Even after he was deleted, those emotional bonds brought him back. Events changed around his absence. But even the very memory of that time was never lost, those bonds were perhaps too powerful. Nor would September have experienced the emotional revelation to save his son. So he probably wouldn't have saved Walter and Peter from the lake during that time either. The very thing Walter so rightly feels he needs redemption for. It is also one of the main catalysts that might help to favourably change this dreadful future. Walter's cosmic mistake could also lead to undoing another terrible point in history. So can it be judged as both right and wrong in the great cosmic balance? Are we dealing with a predestined paradox where events are so integrally intertwined that in the end, they can only play out the way they have to? Diverting them is futile.

christian chirico

Oops i completely forgot to comment on this reaction last week, my bad, another great episode we got some much needed lore on the observer both in how they are created and why they invaded this specific time in the first place and the great reveal of Michael being September’s son, which ties perfectly with episode 1x15 and why the boy was found at the bottom of a building in a secret basement that no one even knew existed, the perfect hiding place chosen by September. Rewatching that episode after learning what/who he is in general is a whole other experience, obviously i don’t think that back in season 1 they had all of this figured out already but they probably had enough to build upon it in season 5 without messing it up and props to them. The plan is also finally revealed, the device that they are building will be able to send the boy to the future to stop the scientists from going down the path of removing emotion to increase intelligence because he is the living proof that you can have both and even better than that Michael has an intelligence superior to the normal observers and empathy superiors to humans. God i loved seeing this version of Walter so much, he is so free after getting all of his memories back, this is the definitive version of him, one that has all of the intellect but has also achieved empathy towards those outside of his own family which leads him to want to make the final sacrifice for all the people he damaged along his path. Can’t wait for the final two episode, it’s going to be a thrilling ride with plenty of plot twist, will we get our happy ending when it’s all said and done?