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Dean was in Hell 4 months, Sam was in Hell a year and a half.


Jeffrey fools everyone! I love it! I love watching reactions to this episode, because everyone always feels bad for Jeffery and wants him to stay safe and all that, but then it's revealed that he's a Psychopath. AND HE KILLS THE DOG!!! He really is such an interesting character though. The fact that he enjoyed being possessed. Up till now, we've only ever had people feel violated and absolutely hate being possessed. Which I think is why Sam was as confused by it at the end as he was. He's been possessed, multiple times, and it was horrible for him. He wouldn't be able to comprehend how someone could enjoy it. The Sam and Lucifer stuff this episode will always break my heart. Like, Lucifer IS fun to watch. But Sam is going through a LOT. The fact that his trauma is this bad as to cause hallucinations will always break my heart. And the fact that this has been happening all along. We've seen Sam pressing his thumb into his palm all throughout the season to get rid of him. (I do think it would've been good to kinda show him a little more through the season though...) Honestly, I kinda wish they hadn't made Hallucifer funny. Because it kinda makes people forget just how traumatised Sam is, and how horrible this all is for him. I have literally seen people say that Sam wasn't scared of Lucifer, that he didn't torture him in Hell, that Lucifer isn't a bad guy. (Trust me, Sam gets a lot of hate for the fact that he hates Lucifer, and it pisses me off...) I think that if they hadn't made Hallucifer funny, it would've really emphasised Sam's trauma and made it seem as serious as it actually is. Also, the line "The rapier wit, the wittier rape" makes me highly uncomfortable, especially considering other things Hallucifer has said to Sam and all the implications... (Off the top of my head I think "You're my bunkmate buddy, you're my little bitch in every sense of the term." from 7x02...) Something I kinda wish we got more of is that moment where Sam was interrogating Nora and Lucifer was kinda egging him on to be aggressive. I think it could've been so interesting to have his hallucinations kinda coax him into doing things he doesn't want to. (Another way they could've made them seem more serious...) Or just more of that whole thing of him making Sam see people bash their heads on tables.