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Eric Pfeiffer

The interplay between John and Zeus made up for the lack of one-liners. The next movie in the series is fun,too. Some might disagree but it is actually the one I watch the most. I'm thoroughly enjoying Summer Blockbuster Week! Fun fact---this is the third movie that Bruce and Sam were in together, but the first one that they actually shared scenes.

Zoe Hart

I've used the riddle with the water jugs several times with friends and family. Solution (spoiler, there is two!) (gallon = gal): Solution 1 (starting with the 3 gal jug): - Fill the 3 gal jug - Transfer the water to the 5 gal jug - Fill the 3 gal jug - Transfer water to the 5 gal jug until it is full (leaving 1 gal in the 3 gal jug) - Empty the 5 gal jug - Transfer the remaining 1 gallon to the 5 gal jug - Fill the 3 gal jug - Transfer the 3 gallon to the 5 gal jug There is now precisely 4 gals in the 5 gal jug Solution 2 (starting with the 5 gal jug): *This is the solution they magically arrived at in the movie - Fill the 5 gal jug - Transfer water to the 3 gal until full (leaving 2 gals in the 5 gal jug) - Empty the 3 gal jug - Transfer the 2 gals to the 3 gal jug - Fill the 5 gal jug (this is where we were in the movie) - Transfer water to the 3 gal jug until full There is now precisely 4 gals in the 5 gal jug