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1.5 - SID 



Yes Peter Capaldi was the Doctor, he’s an incredible actor. I clearly did not rewatch Skins after doctor who because I really didn’t know he played Sid’s dad


Sid is a teenager, who’s father is verbally abusive to him and his mom just left. His best friend is playing mind games with him and he feels guilty over Cassie OD’ing. Which, in fairness, if the roles were reversed it would be so toxic to blame the other person for OD’ing because you wouldn’t go on a date with them. I guess I don’t understand why you hate Sid so much and seem to have empathy for all the other characters.


I don't think I said i hated him, did i? I'll have to go back and check because that's a strong word lol. But you're right, he's going through a lot. You know what? I think it's a testament to how good the character is tbh because out of everyone he is probably the most realistic depiction of a teenager for me. But I do have empathy for him, like I don't have it for Tony because he hasn't given reasons to. But Sids life is clearly a mess. His dad being a jerk, his mom abandoning him, his best friend treats him like crap and manipulates him, he's in love with someone he can't have. I wonder if he suffers from depression because that would explain his lack of care with school and his own hygiene. So it's not that I don't empathize because I've been there and maybe that's it, too close to home or something. I just don't find the character likeable which is fine because not all characters have to be.