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Eric Pfeiffer

I really enjoyed this episode, I could relate to it in a way. In high school and college I was both a jock and played in rock bands (weird, I know. Especially in the 80's) so I've seen a great many scenarios like the one that got this kid killed (fortunately, I never knew anyone who got killed over it). That part of the sports and the rock scenes never really appealed to me ( I'm too much of a sappy romantic type, I guess) , all the drama and deception didn't seem worth it. But, when you're young and dumb and full of...well, you know, it can be difficult to think straight. This episode showed a more extreme version of what I worried would happen to one (or more) of my team mates or band mates. It also reminded me of why I was never a fan of making out under the bleachers. LOL The actor who played the campus cop/ murder dad was really good. I suspected him from the jump, but he did a great job playing the cop side for the bulk of the episode. 10/10 for that actor. Is it wrong that I kinda wanna see the Jack & Angie video? It is, right? Totally wrong. Probably should have kept that to myself......