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Sorry this is late but I had to leave it uploading overnight



I'm so excited for your reactions to Hawkeye! It is DEFINITELY my favourite of the Disney+ Marvel Shows! (Followed closely by Moon Knight...) Clint is my favourite Avenger, so I love finally getting to see more of him. About Clint being deaf, he was actually deaf in the Comics and people were really upset that they hadn't included it in the MCU and they finally did. :) Rogers the Musical is hilarious. I love it! But Clint's reaction hurts. This show really does a good job at showing his trauma. So there are deleted scenes on Disney+ for Hawkeye. Some it doesn't bother me too much that they deleted them, but there are a couple that I am really pissed they deleted. You should definitely watch them after you've finished. :) Also, something I love, it's a really small thing but it just makes me smile. No one knows Ronin's identity. Nat and Rhodey knew for (probably) years and neither ever told anyone. With Natasha it's a given, for multiple reasons. But I love that Rhodey didn't tell anyone either. He didn't tell his Bosses, or Clint would've been arrested and the public likely would've known. It just makes me smile. Kate is Hawkeye in the Comics. Just Hawkeye. Apparently it's a big thing that she's Hawkeye and not "Female" Hawkeye or anything. She has nothing in her name stating that she's a woman, she's just Hawkeye like Clint. Jeremy has said this isn't the last we'll see of Clint, which is good. (Honestly I'd love to see him take on the roll of kinda the Nick Fury for the Young Avengers, I think that could be kinda cool.)

Eric Pfeiffer

Finally some appreciation for "Arrow Guy". It took 10 years but he finally gets his due. I enjoyed this show a lot and I'm looking forward to these reactions. The basic plot is fairly straightforward but the execution is anything but. There are plenty of surprises to come. I think Hailee Steinfeld was a great choice for Kate Bishop. I've only seen her in the Bumblebee movie but she's got that likable naive arrogance thing that plays well against Clint's personality. I like the way they showed her growing up in the opening credits. It gave you all the information you need without taking too much time. I believe all the featured characters in the show are taken directly from the comics, even the dog. We get some really fun and unusual characters in the next 5 episodes .It may not be as wild as WandaVision, as politically charged as Falcon and the Winter Soldier, or as weird as Loki, but I feel this show is the most fun. it also has some genuinely emotional moments. I'm very much looking forward to these reactions. In fact, I think I'm gonna watch this one again. Seems like a good thing to do while I eat breakfast. :)


So far its a lot of fun so I cant wait to keep watching it. I've always loved Hawkeye so its great that hes getting appreciation. And I heard about Kate Bishop but was never into the comics. She's a lot of fun so far