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I feel so bad for Samantha. I mean, what she did was awful and there's no justification. But I DO feel AWFUL for her. Her Father just sucks. The scene where Reid figures him out is one of my favourites tbh... I love scenes where he gets kinda angry and all that. I also really love how Rossi just kinda let him take the wheel with it and only chimed in at the end. Something else I really liked was his referring to him as Agent Reid instead of Doctor. It was that whole thing with Gideon where he always corrected people when they called him Agent because he wanted to make sure people respected him despite his age. But the thing is, while Reid IS a Doctor and worked very hard for that, I think it's likely he actually worked HARDER for the title of Agent in a way. I mean, facts and statistics and all that come really easily to him, but people and emotions tend to be a bit harder for him. So I feel like in a way, Rossi referring to him as Agent instead of Doctor was a subtle show of respect in a different way. He is a Doctor, but he's also an Agent and I feel like it's important to give him respect for both. Just as it's important to give the others respect for being good Agents as well as their other accomplishments. (Like how Hotch was a Lawyer, Rossi's also an Author, Morgan with his fixing up houses etc...) Idk, it was such a small thing, but it just felt really important to me for some reason... I agree with what you said about when an episode is kinda predictable. Like you said, I enjoy plot twists (as long as they make sense! There's nothing worse than a plot twist that just comes out of nowhere and makes no sense... One that's literally just there for shock value...) But the episodes where it's kinda easy to figure out what's going on are really good as well, because not only do we really get a look into what's going on, it also means everything makes sense and they've thought things through and I just enjoy being able to figure things out as I watch sometimes... :) You're getting closer to an episode I'm really excited for. For multiple reasons... :)


Also, that scene where Rossi and Reid offer the Dad that deal. They say the second they walk out the door the deal is off the table. They were both out the door before he gave them the information they needed. So I like to think they didn't tell the Judge he cooperated because technically he was too late... Haha