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Ida Eriksson

I wasnt mad about Sully leaving. I liked him and their relationship, but I feel like the writers made it pretty clear that these two wouldn't last based on their personalities and past. Sully was always on the move. Always looking forward. He had all these plans, ideas and expectations about his life that would constantly change. Which is great, I love a character like that, but thats not really what Brennan wants in the end. Because of her parents and brother she longs for a stability that I don't think Sully would have been able to provide for her without loosing a part of himself. At least in this moment of their lives. The case of the "right one, but the wrong time" of sorts. But thats just my opinion.


Yeah, I think Brennan needs some stability, specially because of her childhood and all. I knew he wasn't going to last, but it just felt really sudden so I wish it had been different.


It's nice that you liked Sully and are sad to see him leave. I also do and am too. I think with shows and stories like this. Characters are often put into the mix to serve a narrative purpose for the main protagonist's progression and development. Eddie does a fantastic job at making Sully extremely likeable. Which I think is simplistically the total reason for his character in the first place. Every other potential romantic interest, well they weren't a 'Sully' were they. I feel it would have been pretty unbelievable for her to leave with Sully. He has to be both another person to leave her. (Be nice enough that WE care that he is.) But also represent the previous instability in her life. This now serves to bolster some of her trust issues and need to keep people at arms length. That didn't stop a tear or two in the corner of my eye tho, even now.