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That twist!!

5.8 - OUTFOXED 1 2 



Not you being the smarty pants you are, talking about Carl Arnold….before the opening credits even finish 😅😅😅 I swear you are too clever to watch this show Eliza!


Seeing that Father break down at learning his entire family is dead was so painful! As much as it hurts, I do love when they show scenes like that, of them telling the victim's families. It just adds so much and hurts a lot. Seeing him just collapse in his grief and seeing Morgan, JJ and the other Detective (I think she was a Detective) watching him break down and just seeing their hearts break for him. So painful! No one deserves to go through that! I LOVE that it had The Fox be the one to reveal Foyet's involvement here too. Because his whole thing is about what happens when a Father fails to protect his family, and in this case you could see it as Hotch failing to protect his family. (WHICH HE IS NOT! HE'S DOING THE BEST HE CAN AND HE'S AMAZING!) And it just fits so well. But agh! I feel so bad for Hotch! He does not deserve this shit. He deserves to just be happy and have Haley and Jack nearby where he can go round and see them, and to NOT have a fucking Serial Killer trying to make his life Hell... Next episode is the 100th episode btw! Which you could probably figure out by the title of it. But yeah. :)