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So proud of Ian for fighting for his job. It's horrible, because I DO understand why they'd be concerned. There is always that risk that he could come in manic and no one notices and someone could get hurt. But he IS handling it. He's on meds, he's working hard to keep himself in a good place and be stable, and it usually is quite noticeable when he's manic, especially knowing he's Bipolar and if you know what to look out for. And it's not fair to just say no as soon as you learn he's Bipolar. They just have to make those accommodations so they can handle it and make sure nothing happens. So yeah, I'm really glad he managed to get his job back. This is the sort of job he needs imo. And he enjoys it, which is so good. It was also really great to hear him say that he's handicapped and that it's not his fault, that it's a disease. It's such a big thing for him. He's always struggled with accepting that he IS Bipolar, and so to have him admit it out loud that he is, and that it's not his fault is just so good. Yeah, I'm really proud of him. Haha And Lip. It hurts so much to see him go down this path and struggle with alcoholism. Having Frank say he's been drinking a lot, and having Debbie tell him she doesn't want him ending up like Frank, all of that, I think it was such a wakeup call for him. And I'm so glad he has Youens, he's awesome! But on the subject of these two. Thinking about their struggles always makes me so sad, and it always makes me think back to a scene in S1. Remember when Monica came with her girlfriend and they were trying to take Liam, and they did the DNA Test and then Lip and Ian did theirs too? (and found out Ian isn't Frank's, then they completely dropped the whole thing which has always kinda annoyed me... Not the point though! Haha) Well when they were doing the tests they joked that they could find out a lot about themselves from these tests. Ian says something like "Like if we got the alcoholic gene from Frank." and then Lip says "Or the dummy gene from Monica." (which, dummy gene isn't Bipolar, though knowing how they all felt about Monica, it very well could be, considering some of the things she did while manic. That's not me saying that Bipolar makes people idiots or anything, it obviously doesn't. And really, it's more in regards to saying anything about Monica's genes rn...) Well, in a way, they kinda predicted the future... It's kinda sad... :( Frank's speech. His speeches are always so well done! But he pisses me off so much! He was right to tell Fiona the truth, because she deserved to know that the man she was about to marry had relapsed, and also having it laid out like that probably pushed Sean to get help again. But the way he did it was just AWFUL! He didn't do it because he loves Fiona, he did it because he hates Sean. He didn't do it to stop Fiona from marrying an addict, he couldn't care less about that, he did it to spite Sean. Some people try and say he did it out of love for Fiona, but that's just not true at all, or he would've done it in private and in a much nicer way. No, he did it because he was pissed off at Sean and wanted to get back at him. And the fact that he did it in front of his son! (Also the look on Will's face when he heard these words. It's so sad that he knows what they mean at such a young age.) There was no need to do it in front of Will. (I have to say, I adore that Sean ran after Will immediately instead of first trying to apologise to Fiona and talk to her. His son comes first and I really like that...) Plus, everything he said about the others. There was no need. Especially what he said about Ian and Lip. Like, Debbie having a baby was her choice, Carl's weird thing of thinking he was black was just Carl being Carl. Fiona having sex is her choice, and her business and not something to be commenting on like that. But with Ian, he went after his sexuality and his mental illness that he's handling. And with Lip, he really went after him for being an alcoholic, which is something he got FROM Frank! (At least that kinda pushed him to ask for help though...) Love everyone throwing Frank off the bridge at the end. It's honestly one of my favourite scenes, it always makes me laugh... Haha