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I'm so glad that they at least got to arrest one of them, even if the other two got out of it with suicide by cop. At least one of them has to live with the consequences of what he did. I totally get Garcia's concerns about Morgan and the victims sister. I'm pretty sure I had similar concerns the first time I watched it. It would just be so easy for her to get attached to him as the person who was there for her through the hardest time of her life, and the FBI Agent who was working the case to find her brother's killers. And that could be so bad for both of them. So yeah, I completely get Garcia's concerns. But I do also get why Morgan was kinda offended by it. Because he is genuinely a good guy who just wanted to help her out and just drove her home after she had a a breakdown, and he just wanted to give her any answers he could. Unfortunately, that doesn't always go how you want it to and it could very easily turn into a dependence that could hurt them both in so many ways. It's kinda sad though, that sometimes being there for someone can actually do more harm than good. I mean, that sounds really bad. You should absolutely be there for people when they're going through something (and when they're not...) but what I mean is that on certain occasions certain people being there can just make things worse in the end. I find it kinda funny that just a couple of episodes Hotch was going completely against the Cops to do what he thought was right for the case. (Which, I don't disagree that it was the right call. Things likely would've gone really bad had he not done that...) And then this time he just handed it over to them. And both times Morgan is just like "WTF?!" about it. Poor Morgan is likely so confused by Hotch rn, and from his perspective it kinda DOES look really weird, that Hotch is just flip-flopping on how to handle things. (Of course, Hotch's reasons are really good and he IS right really, it's just kinda amusing...) But also about Morgan and his reaction to Hotch, he's ALWAYS been like this about that sorta thing. I mean, in the first few episodes of the show he was really worried about Gideon being back in the field because of his PTSD. I feel like in a weird way, he almost feels responsible for his superiors. Like, Hotch is their Boss, he's the one making sure everyone else is in line and he's there seeing it go down. Hotch's superiors aren't in the field with them, so he doesn't have that in the same way and I think that Morgan almost feels the need to keep an eye out during these situations just in case because he doesn't want things to go bad.