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omg I'm so dumb. Last episode was named The Fearsome Dr. CRANE! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!



Eric Pfeiffer

Gotham sort of exists in it's own timeline. There are cellphones, but they seem to only appear randomly. It does seem a bit crazy that Bruce would not have one. Most of the cars on the show are pre-1990, but again every once in a while something more modern will show up. I don't think it's ever mentioned who the president is on this show, which would obviously make it easy to put a date on things. They never reference anything outside of Gotham, other than the fact that Gordon was a war veteran. I believe they mentioned Iraq, which means either this takes place in the early '90s (Desert Storm) or sometime after 2003. I think the murky timeline was done intentionally to avoid any questions regarding whether there were any tie-ins to any of the Batman movies past or present, as well as all of the CW DC shows. There are none.