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My poor heart



DazzleFae (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 08:29:56 This episode is so hard to watch. Cameron is such an amazing actor and so it is just so uncomfortable to watch. It feels so real and scary. Watching him with the baby is terrifying. That moment he throws him up in the air and catches him. I've seen that moment so many times (I've watched the episode myself a few times, and I've watched reactions to it) and yet my heart just stops every single time because even though I KNOW he's not gonna drop him, I also know he could've and that would've been terrible and he'd never forgive himself and things would be WAY worse than they already are. Same with him leaving the baby in the car. Just him driving with him in the car freaks me out. I mean, he did no hands for a short while! He easily could've lost control of the car or something and crashed. The entire thing is so scary. And I really enjoy the way some of those scenes were shot. Like the ones in the car and how the angles were changing constantly and it was kinda zooming in and out and it was just kinda erratic and chaotic, it added to the scene. Then when Ian was running with Yevgeny into the shop and the camera was shaking as if the person carrying it is also running, and it was all over the place. There's always something so heartbreaking about seeing Ian like this though. I think I've said it before, but it's because before all this he was always the "most stable" Gallagher. While he had his problems, he was always this kinda rock to the family, he never brought his problems home with him, he didn't break down or really ask anyone for anything most of the time (Occasionally he'd ask Lip for things but they're not just brothers, they're best friends and so it's kinda different...) and then suddenly he's the Gallagher with the most problems, and they're on display for them all and they're suddenly seeing this whole other side to him that wasn't there before. Because while he had problems in the past (mostly sleeping with older, married men. And everything with Mickey...) he mostly managed to keep it in (not healthy) and to himself. He was the one with the steady job from the very first episode until when he ran away at the end of S3. He was the one with dreams and ambition. He was always working so hard to get to the Army. Then all this happens and he just seems so different. Anyone else in the family, while it'd be heartbreaking to see them go through this, I don't think it'd have the same effect as it does with Ian. Plus, as I've already said, Cameron just does an amazing job. Mickey breaks my heart too. He's wanted so hard not to believe anything was really wrong. That Ian would be fine and didn't need professional help or anything. And for a while it seemed to him like he was right and everything was fine. Ian was up and out of bed, he was helping around the house and with Yevgeny, they had some sort of routine, things were good. Except for the fact that Ian was constantly cheating on Mickey, putting himself in risky situations, then it started to get kinda more obvious to Mickey that things weren't right, but he wasn't willing to accept. Then he finally accepts Ian needs help, and this happens to just push things over the edge and really prove that he needs help because he IS a danger to both himself and others. (Not something you'd expect to be saying about Ian a couple seasons ago, huh?) And he was clearly worried about Yevgeny, but he was also worried about Ian and he doesn't trust Police. Of course he doesn't. He had to trust that Ian would come around and just bring Yevgeny back and things would be fine, because he was clinging to that belief that he was okay. He was clinging to the Ian from before he left in a way. And Svetlana. I do not blame her for wanting to call the Police. Her baby was kidnapped by someone she trusted. Whether Ian's unwell or not, he was a danger to her child in that moment and so of course she wanted to call the Police. Both their frustrations were completely valid and understandable. <333 Jimmy. *Sigh* I have honestly got such mixed feelings about him. I do think he mostly has good intentions and I do believe he loves Fiona and the rest of the family. His situation here is pretty complicated I think. He was forced away from Fiona, he didn't wanna leave her, he was forcibly taken from her. Where it gets bad though is that instead of just going to talk to her as soon as he was able to, he sent his "partner" to spy on her instead. Had he just gone and spoken to her as soon as he could, she would've still been pissed, but she likely would've understood and they might've gotten back together. Instead though, he has her spied on for like, months and waits until she's happy with someone else to reveal himself to her and try to get her back. In a way, I guess it makes sense that he's hurt she moved on. From his perspective he didn't leave her, he was dragged from her, so coming back and seeing her moving on would hurt if she's all that had kept him going while gone. But he CAN'T just expect her to wait for him over and over again whenever he takes off and comes back. Especially as he literally spied on her for months and the second she's happy and married to a good guy, that's when he decides she should know he's back. Not when she might've needed a shoulder to cry on because of Prison, or because of Ian. No, he waits until she's happy. Almost like he enjoys the fact that even when she's MARRIED to someone else, she'll still go back to him. (Also, I feel like maybe mentioning that he was technically married when they got back together before and so he probably doesn't quite get the wrongness. Doesn't make any of it okay...) So yeah. Not a fan. But felt like coming up with an explanation as to why some of his actions make sense to me... Also Debbie. I know she's done some fucked up things and all, but I do feel so bad for her at times. And this episode is one of those times. I mean, no one even knew she was starting High School! That's something that back in S1 would've been a huge deal to everyone. Fiona would've known weeks in advance, would've been preparing for it, helping her get ready and pick an outfit. But instead, Fiona literally found out just as Debbie was on her way out the door for her first day. Not against Fiona having a life or being happy or anything, it's just kinda sad to me. But also when she hugs Ian at the station. The way she steps away afterwards, knocking into Mickey and just staring at Ian with this haunted expression on her face. You can see how terrified she is by this whole thing. Especially with it being Ian of all people. Like I said above, he was the most stable of them all and it seems like he was almost invincible to Debbie and Carl in a way. There always seemed to be a different relationship between them. So seeing him like this must be horrible. I really like the car scenes. On the way to get Ian, Lip is kinda snippy with Mickey, just agreeing that he should've listened to them and let them get Ian help. Understandable as he was worried about his brother and just wanted to see him and make sure he was okay. But then after they'd got him, Lip assured him he did okay and that he did more than most people would've done. (This is a scene I always think to when people say Lip never approved of Mickey for Ian... To me, he's always been pretty supportive of them in his own way...) And the scene with Carl and Mickey. Carl telling him a little about Monica. It showed that this is effecting Carl too, even if he struggles to admit it. Like I said above, I think it was different for Carl and Debbie as Ian's their older brother who they kinda looked up to and saw as invincible. Seeing him struggle with the same illness as their Mother must be so hard.
2021-10-14 09:16:34 This episode is so hard to watch. Cameron is such an amazing actor and so it is just so uncomfortable to watch. It feels so real and scary. Watching him with the baby is terrifying. That moment he throws him up in the air and catches him. I've seen that moment so many times (I've watched the episode myself a few times, and I've watched reactions to it) and yet my heart just stops every single time because even though I KNOW he's not gonna drop him, I also know he could've and that would've been terrible and he'd never forgive himself and things would be WAY worse than they already are. Same with him leaving the baby in the car. Just him driving with him in the car freaks me out. I mean, he did no hands for a short while! He easily could've lost control of the car or something and crashed. The entire thing is so scary. And I really enjoy the way some of those scenes were shot. Like the ones in the car and how the angles were changing constantly and it was kinda zooming in and out and it was just kinda erratic and chaotic, it added to the scene. Then when Ian was running with Yevgeny into the shop and the camera was shaking as if the person carrying it is also running, and it was all over the place. There's always something so heartbreaking about seeing Ian like this though. I think I've said it before, but it's because before all this he was always the "most stable" Gallagher. While he had his problems, he was always this kinda rock to the family, he never brought his problems home with him, he didn't break down or really ask anyone for anything most of the time (Occasionally he'd ask Lip for things but they're not just brothers, they're best friends and so it's kinda different...) and then suddenly he's the Gallagher with the most problems, and they're on display for them all and they're suddenly seeing this whole other side to him that wasn't there before. Because while he had problems in the past (mostly sleeping with older, married men. And everything with Mickey...) he mostly managed to keep it in (not healthy) and to himself. He was the one with the steady job from the very first episode until when he ran away at the end of S3. He was the one with dreams and ambition. He was always working so hard to get to the Army. Then all this happens and he just seems so different. Anyone else in the family, while it'd be heartbreaking to see them go through this, I don't think it'd have the same effect as it does with Ian. Plus, as I've already said, Cameron just does an amazing job. Mickey breaks my heart too. He's wanted so hard not to believe anything was really wrong. That Ian would be fine and didn't need professional help or anything. And for a while it seemed to him like he was right and everything was fine. Ian was up and out of bed, he was helping around the house and with Yevgeny, they had some sort of routine, things were good. Except for the fact that Ian was constantly cheating on Mickey, putting himself in risky situations, then it started to get kinda more obvious to Mickey that things weren't right, but he wasn't willing to accept. Then he finally accepts Ian needs help, and this happens to just push things over the edge and really prove that he needs help because he IS a danger to both himself and others. (Not something you'd expect to be saying about Ian a couple seasons ago, huh?) And he was clearly worried about Yevgeny, but he was also worried about Ian and he doesn't trust Police. Of course he doesn't. He had to trust that Ian would come around and just bring Yevgeny back and things would be fine, because he was clinging to that belief that he was okay. He was clinging to the Ian from before he left in a way. And Svetlana. I do not blame her for wanting to call the Police. Her baby was kidnapped by someone she trusted. Whether Ian's unwell or not, he was a danger to her child in that moment and so of course she wanted to call the Police. Both their frustrations were completely valid and understandable. <333 Jimmy. *Sigh* I have honestly got such mixed feelings about him. I do think he mostly has good intentions and I do believe he loves Fiona and the rest of the family. His situation here is pretty complicated I think. He was forced away from Fiona, he didn't wanna leave her, he was forcibly taken from her. Where it gets bad though is that instead of just going to talk to her as soon as he was able to, he sent his "partner" to spy on her instead. Had he just gone and spoken to her as soon as he could, she would've still been pissed, but she likely would've understood and they might've gotten back together. Instead though, he has her spied on for like, months and waits until she's happy with someone else to reveal himself to her and try to get her back. In a way, I guess it makes sense that he's hurt she moved on. From his perspective he didn't leave her, he was dragged from her, so coming back and seeing her moving on would hurt if she's all that had kept him going while gone. But he CAN'T just expect her to wait for him over and over again whenever he takes off and comes back. Especially as he literally spied on her for months and the second she's happy and married to a good guy, that's when he decides she should know he's back. Not when she might've needed a shoulder to cry on because of Prison, or because of Ian. No, he waits until she's happy. Almost like he enjoys the fact that even when she's MARRIED to someone else, she'll still go back to him. (Also, I feel like maybe mentioning that he was technically married when they got back together before and so he probably doesn't quite get the wrongness. Doesn't make any of it okay...) So yeah. Not a fan. But felt like coming up with an explanation as to why some of his actions make sense to me... Also Debbie. I know she's done some fucked up things and all, but I do feel so bad for her at times. And this episode is one of those times. I mean, no one even knew she was starting High School! That's something that back in S1 would've been a huge deal to everyone. Fiona would've known weeks in advance, would've been preparing for it, helping her get ready and pick an outfit. But instead, Fiona literally found out just as Debbie was on her way out the door for her first day. Not against Fiona having a life or being happy or anything, it's just kinda sad to me. But also when she hugs Ian at the station. The way she steps away afterwards, knocking into Mickey and just staring at Ian with this haunted expression on her face. You can see how terrified she is by this whole thing. Especially with it being Ian of all people. Like I said above, he was the most stable of them all and it seems like he was almost invincible to Debbie and Carl in a way. There always seemed to be a different relationship between them. So seeing him like this must be horrible. I really like the car scenes. On the way to get Ian, Lip is kinda snippy with Mickey, just agreeing that he should've listened to them and let them get Ian help. Understandable as he was worried about his brother and just wanted to see him and make sure he was okay. But then after they'd got him, Lip assured him he did okay and that he did more than most people would've done. (This is a scene I always think to when people say Lip never approved of Mickey for Ian... To me, he's always been pretty supportive of them in his own way...) And the scene with Carl and Mickey. Carl telling him a little about Monica. It showed that this is effecting Carl too, even if he struggles to admit it. Like I said above, I think it was different for Carl and Debbie as Ian's their older brother who they kinda looked up to and saw as invincible. Seeing him struggle with the same illness as their Mother must be so hard.

This episode is so hard to watch. Cameron is such an amazing actor and so it is just so uncomfortable to watch. It feels so real and scary. Watching him with the baby is terrifying. That moment he throws him up in the air and catches him. I've seen that moment so many times (I've watched the episode myself a few times, and I've watched reactions to it) and yet my heart just stops every single time because even though I KNOW he's not gonna drop him, I also know he could've and that would've been terrible and he'd never forgive himself and things would be WAY worse than they already are. Same with him leaving the baby in the car. Just him driving with him in the car freaks me out. I mean, he did no hands for a short while! He easily could've lost control of the car or something and crashed. The entire thing is so scary. And I really enjoy the way some of those scenes were shot. Like the ones in the car and how the angles were changing constantly and it was kinda zooming in and out and it was just kinda erratic and chaotic, it added to the scene. Then when Ian was running with Yevgeny into the shop and the camera was shaking as if the person carrying it is also running, and it was all over the place. There's always something so heartbreaking about seeing Ian like this though. I think I've said it before, but it's because before all this he was always the "most stable" Gallagher. While he had his problems, he was always this kinda rock to the family, he never brought his problems home with him, he didn't break down or really ask anyone for anything most of the time (Occasionally he'd ask Lip for things but they're not just brothers, they're best friends and so it's kinda different...) and then suddenly he's the Gallagher with the most problems, and they're on display for them all and they're suddenly seeing this whole other side to him that wasn't there before. Because while he had problems in the past (mostly sleeping with older, married men. And everything with Mickey...) he mostly managed to keep it in (not healthy) and to himself. He was the one with the steady job from the very first episode until when he ran away at the end of S3. He was the one with dreams and ambition. He was always working so hard to get to the Army. Then all this happens and he just seems so different. Anyone else in the family, while it'd be heartbreaking to see them go through this, I don't think it'd have the same effect as it does with Ian. Plus, as I've already said, Cameron just does an amazing job. Mickey breaks my heart too. He's wanted so hard not to believe anything was really wrong. That Ian would be fine and didn't need professional help or anything. And for a while it seemed to him like he was right and everything was fine. Ian was up and out of bed, he was helping around the house and with Yevgeny, they had some sort of routine, things were good. Except for the fact that Ian was constantly cheating on Mickey, putting himself in risky situations, then it started to get kinda more obvious to Mickey that things weren't right, but he wasn't willing to accept. Then he finally accepts Ian needs help, and this happens to just push things over the edge and really prove that he needs help because he IS a danger to both himself and others. (Not something you'd expect to be saying about Ian a couple seasons ago, huh?) And he was clearly worried about Yevgeny, but he was also worried about Ian and he doesn't trust Police. Of course he doesn't. He had to trust that Ian would come around and just bring Yevgeny back and things would be fine, because he was clinging to that belief that he was okay. He was clinging to the Ian from before he left in a way. And Svetlana. I do not blame her for wanting to call the Police. Her baby was kidnapped by someone she trusted. Whether Ian's unwell or not, he was a danger to her child in that moment and so of course she wanted to call the Police. Both their frustrations were completely valid and understandable. <333 Jimmy. *Sigh* I have honestly got such mixed feelings about him. I do think he mostly has good intentions and I do believe he loves Fiona and the rest of the family. His situation here is pretty complicated I think. He was forced away from Fiona, he didn't wanna leave her, he was forcibly taken from her. Where it gets bad though is that instead of just going to talk to her as soon as he was able to, he sent his "partner" to spy on her instead. Had he just gone and spoken to her as soon as he could, she would've still been pissed, but she likely would've understood and they might've gotten back together. Instead though, he has her spied on for like, months and waits until she's happy with someone else to reveal himself to her and try to get her back. In a way, I guess it makes sense that he's hurt she moved on. From his perspective he didn't leave her, he was dragged from her, so coming back and seeing her moving on would hurt if she's all that had kept him going while gone. But he CAN'T just expect her to wait for him over and over again whenever he takes off and comes back. Especially as he literally spied on her for months and the second she's happy and married to a good guy, that's when he decides she should know he's back. Not when she might've needed a shoulder to cry on because of Prison, or because of Ian. No, he waits until she's happy. Almost like he enjoys the fact that even when she's MARRIED to someone else, she'll still go back to him. (Also, I feel like maybe mentioning that he was technically married when they got back together before and so he probably doesn't quite get the wrongness. Doesn't make any of it okay...) So yeah. Not a fan. But felt like coming up with an explanation as to why some of his actions make sense to me... Also Debbie. I know she's done some fucked up things and all, but I do feel so bad for her at times. And this episode is one of those times. I mean, no one even knew she was starting High School! That's something that back in S1 would've been a huge deal to everyone. Fiona would've known weeks in advance, would've been preparing for it, helping her get ready and pick an outfit. But instead, Fiona literally found out just as Debbie was on her way out the door for her first day. Not against Fiona having a life or being happy or anything, it's just kinda sad to me. But also when she hugs Ian at the station. The way she steps away afterwards, knocking into Mickey and just staring at Ian with this haunted expression on her face. You can see how terrified she is by this whole thing. Especially with it being Ian of all people. Like I said above, he was the most stable of them all and it seems like he was almost invincible to Debbie and Carl in a way. There always seemed to be a different relationship between them. So seeing him like this must be horrible. I really like the car scenes. On the way to get Ian, Lip is kinda snippy with Mickey, just agreeing that he should've listened to them and let them get Ian help. Understandable as he was worried about his brother and just wanted to see him and make sure he was okay. But then after they'd got him, Lip assured him he did okay and that he did more than most people would've done. (This is a scene I always think to when people say Lip never approved of Mickey for Ian... To me, he's always been pretty supportive of them in his own way...) And the scene with Carl and Mickey. Carl telling him a little about Monica. It showed that this is effecting Carl too, even if he struggles to admit it. Like I said above, I think it was different for Carl and Debbie as Ian's their older brother who they kinda looked up to and saw as invincible. Seeing him struggle with the same illness as their Mother must be so hard.


I actually loved Jimmy in season 3 I think? Where he supports the family more and I felt for him with his troubles with Fiona and feeling out of the picture. But I can’t stand him now. He’s so disrespectful and insensitive. He shows no care for her life or marriage or what he missed really. He just wants her. It sucks that Fiona has fallen back into things with him. I was disappointed with how she acted in the beginning too when Gus came to the house. It was like nothing to her. Poor guy! favourite of her love interests are Gus and Mike. Also YES! People in this show really can’t mind their business. Why is Sean even asking if Fiona slept with Steve. So annoying! But man. This episode broke me in regards to Ian, the families response, Gallavich. Mickey needed to hear from Lip that it’s okay.