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All the calm before the huge shit storm thats about to hit




It is sad to see Ian in denial but I think is normal for some people with a mental disorder to think that way at first, I just hope he realizes this or else this will escalate. Same with Mickey, he’s never dealt with this before though I do believe he has the ability to handle this, he should listen to Fiona and Lip so Ian can go on his meds and it doesn’t get that bad. You can tell since things are going “good” right now, it won’t be so good later, it is Shameless after all. I also want you to pay attention to the acting this season, it is fantastic like always but especially Noel Fisher, I don’t think anyone could have played a better Mickey than him. I would also like to add that the deleted scene I linked to you last episode happened before Mickey said, “You going down Army” this episode when Ian and him were in bed. Frank going back to being a drunk isn’t a surprise to me, he’s a lost case. Sheila, I liked her better in the earlier seasons, ngl she has become more annoying but I do thinks she needs to realize that she deserves better than Frank. And Sammi… yeah… Frank is an asshole to her, that’s all I’m going to say about her for now. Oh, and the reason that actor you liked that got recasted, I heard he had another project at the time this season was filmed, I believe it was a movie. Anyway, Season 5… what can I say? I’m excited to see your reaction for the upcoming episodes, it’s going to be a ride.