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This is a mess




Thinking about all the different factions and who’s in the right or wrong makes my head hurt. Everything is so grey and complex. Marcel was a tyrant with his ideas and execution of ruling the quarter. But then the witches, wolves/Klaus want something similar. But the witches and wolves were persecuted so surely they should get some form of payback. But then that makes them no better. Ahhhhh😭 I also *hate* how the Mikealsons treat Marcel. Specifically Elijah. He out of Klaus and Rebekah seems to show absolutely no compassion or positive feelings towards Marcel. For 18 episodes I can’t think of him even showing a little bit of kindness or proudness. It rubs me so wrong in the way you described. Trying to put him in his place. Klaus is not great too with his anger either. But I feel with their dynamic it’s more about the son overpowering the father rather than the uncomfortable dynamic Elijah-Marcel have so far. He can recognise Marcel is simply acting like him. Idk though I’ve noticed this a lot this episode especially. In the family aspect Marcel deserves better. And sidenote, the scene between Genevieve and Camille was soooo sweet. The gift genuinely touched Genevieve and we saw more of her humanity. And Camille let go of some of her ego to plead for her help.


Elijah dislikes marcel In season 1 because he blames him for driving his family apart and for almost getting Rebekah killed by klaus, marcel told everything to Elijah that he and Rebekah did back when they summoned papa tunde and mikael, although Rebekah was the one who suggested bringing mikael into the mix, this interest sparked due to marcel overall pitching the idea to drive klaus out of town, it’s one of those brother who doesn’t like the boyfriend scenarios because of the bad influence he is on the sister, not to mention mikael being summoned affected everyone in a negative way that included Elijah blaming himself since that day for not ending his fathers life the countless times he had the chance of standing up to him for klaus, I can explain to you why else he treats him poorly through the whole series but will do as the events unfold as I wanna avoid spoiling but overall rn that’s why he has so much dislike towards him up til now

John Walker Is That Dude

Elena was forced down our throats all because she’s a doppelgänger nothing else. I’ll take Phoebe over every actress on TVD