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Don't meet your heroes




It's the fact that Jake didn't even tell Holt the truth about what happened. He didn't tell him he was defending him when he punched him, he just took his punishment and allowed Holt to believe he was just being unprofessional and making rash decisions. And the look on Holt's face after Amy told him the truth. You just know that's the first time a colleague has stood up for him like that. At least in a way that wasn't to suck up to him or make a show of being a great person. Jake did it without expecting any recognition or reward for it, and I think that really meant a lot to Holt. It was also a big moment for Jake's character I think. Because it really shows that he cares about Holt and is a good guy who can just be a little naïve at times. He put aside this admiration he had for this guy who turned out to not be very nice, and defended someone he cares about. It really is just such a good moment. :)

Suzanne Hunt

Holt is Jake's new model instead of a homophobic and sexist old reporter! I am so glad Jake punched him because Jake was sticking up for Holt!