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Hayley saves the day




Your frustration this episode was so entertaining to watch ahaha. Also everyone comments on Jackson’s voice I wonder if it’s his actual accent or not. And I’m firmly on Team Wolf so I’m happy with this. It depends on how you look at things. I feel you can’t start a peace treaty without all parties involved. It’s better to start from scratch given how complicated things are. Plus if they waited, perhaps the wolves would’ve attacked or the vampires like Diego would’ve led another wolf massacre. Interesting view on Hayley though. I have a love-hate thing going with her. Plus your point about how important she is compared to Rebekah is facts. People don’t talk about this enough. She has taken away from Rebekah as the main ‘Mikaelson’ lady and that’s not to say I don’t consider her apart of them. I’ve heard from others that Claire Holt didn’t want to be a regular on the show (I hope someone can clarify this). It makes me wonder how different things would be for Hayley if Rebekah was still here.


Yeah, I suppose it makes sense. But I also understand Elijah's point to fix the Quarter and those who live in the Quarter and then extend because the wolves being in the bayou are not really involved? They have been in wolf form for a long time and so really do they even know whats going on? If its supposed to be a community that benefits all parties, what do they have to offer right now? Shouldnt they try to assimilate to being human again first? Idk, to me it made more sense to bring the witches, the vampires and the humans on the same page and the extend. but i dont know much about politics lmao. and yeah, i want to see rebekah and it feels like hayley is becoming the female lead. i guess if claire doesn't want to be that lead then it makes sense for them to replace her but its still annoying.