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JFC Carl!




It happens a lot for people to get comments like that from people who lack critical thinking skills. Like those are people who have watched the whole show and expect you to have the same feelings as them about a character and a relationship that just started. Like yeah Mickey grows as a character and a lot of people love him (me included) but how were you supposed to know that? All you knew at that point is that Mickey is violent and an asshole lol so it totally made sense to call their relationship toxic because it was (well I kinda don't like the word toxic but it definitely wasn't a nice healthy relationship, and it still isn't, because of obvious reasons). Like you said, I find those comments funny as well, but still I hope they don't bring you down!


Ahhh btw glad to see your cat, he's adorable!! As you can see in my pfp I got a cat too, his name is Hazel and he's my little ginger baby.