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Nick, that's not how you explain things



Eric Pfeiffer

Nick's confession scene was ridiculous. I'm with ya on that. It is interesting that nothing was really wrapped up in the finale. Everything is still in play. It has been so long since I watched this show that I honestly don't remember what happens next. Looking forward to the next one! Now, I'm going to make some popcorn and watch you watch Poltergeist....


Right? Like ... what are you doing? IF you were trying not to sound like a completely lunatic then you failed my dude. I just hope Juliette is ok because those black eyes were very disturbing and worrying. It didn't answer a lot of questions and just left us with a lot more! I does make you want to keep watching and I'm just glad that I can jump right into the second season. Cant imagine having to wait for months to know what happened.


how else was Nick supposed to tell her....he gave her proof....and she JUST did research on unexplainable hair. He is still new himself. It's a bit presumptuous to think it's ok with Monroe to just show someone who he really is. Something he has hidden his entire life.