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Fredrik IB

Ahh, what a phenomenal episode. Great reaction too :) This is the episode the fans voted for when we got that Chuck reunion on Zoom during the pandemic. They did a glorious table read of this episode, and it was special! And I disagree with your assessment regarding the best friend status and Morgan being too needy, I suppose? But that's okay. I adore Morgan and he's the absolute MVP of this episode, for me. Him wanting to know is not because he's petty. It's because he wants a give and take with his best friend. He wants them to share secrets together and a line from an earlier episode springs to mind: "Best friends lie FOR each other.. not TO each other." Morgan has been nothing but loyal to Chuck this entire series, and look what happens when he finds out. He tells Chuck instantly. And when Chuck finally comes clean, he doesn't despise him for lying for all this time. He embraces him again because he finally opened up. Ahh, I love him and he deserved to get a win, finally. Your frustrations with him seem abit misguided, but again. You are perfectly entitled to your opinion, but I just wanted to share my view. Still love your reactions and i'm glad you're being honest about what you think.

yadubi sawa

Morgan behavior actually very reasonable to me, it's been a one-sided friendship for a long time. And obviously Morgan not just freak out because Chuck didn't told him everything about his life, it's the feeling of losing Chuck as his best friend breaks Morgan's cool.


Oh yeah, I see your point and I actually have learned to love Morgan even though I found him annoying at the beginning. idk, maybe im judging him too harshly because he comes off very strongly and it also might be a personal thing. im usually very guarded and it makes me uncomfortable when people try and get involved in every aspect of my life. i think morgan is incredibly loyal and chuck is really lucky to have him though but sometimes it feels like he doesnt give chuck any room to breathe. but i do get where he is coming from in the sense that he feels he is giving it 100 per cent and chuck is not giving him the same back. it must incredibly hurtful. im just glad he knows the truth now and that chuck doesnt have to lie to him anymore