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This is a fan-requested (Pick The Flick tier) episode on Soderbergh’s Solaris from 2002. A hearty Small Beans’ thank you to Tom D. for the request!

Adam and Abe talk about his cinematographic and editorial approach to the story of a planet that psychologically terrorizes a human crew on a space station.


Adam Ganser: https://twitter.com/therealganz

Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

Check our store to buy Small Beans merch! https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-small-beans-store?ref_id=22691



Scottie Wottie

Great discussion! For anyone who hasn't read Lem's novella, I'd super recommend it. Not only does it get into the philosophy and tackle the question of a truly alien intelligence, but it's also a kick ass psychological ghost story in the vein of Shirley Jackson's "Hill House." By that I mean, the "visitors" that the alien creates for the characters are very upsetting to the characters, but most of the action takes place off camera so to speak. It's through their reactions that you get chills.

Andee Oord

LOVE hearing you guys wax poetic