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Special Thanks to Cool Bean Zac Shwartz for bringing this episode to your ears by supporting us at the "Pick the Flick!" level! Flick well-picked, Zac. Flick well-picked.

Charlie Kaufman's devastating tale of life, death, and ham-fisted  direction shows a side of Phillip Seymour Hoffman that is actually  thirty sides. Michael, Brooks and Abe try in vain to unpack a movie that  is both representative of less and more than the movie represents.  SHIT. GETS. META. 



Aidan Devlon

I’m so excited for this. I always end up listing this at or near the top of my favorite films, where I use the “film” vs. “movie” demarcation to discuss films as a matter of art over entertainment. I was truly blown away the first time I watched it, and spent a long time online reading people talk about it, and their theories, and so on, so this is reviving that excitement. It’s also what I did when I heard PSH had died, right after the Super Bowl ended. I sat and watched it, and it felt perfect to have done so.

Zac Schwartz

Wow, this turned out even better than I'd imagined. I've already listened to this episode three times since it came out (and I almost never do that with non-history podcasts). I'm a Kaufman fan but I only got around to watching this a year ago; having seen it now, I'd honestly argue this might be the best film of the 2000s (it's inarguably in the top 10). Thanks again for doing this, it has me really looking forward to the other one.