FEBRUARY BEANUS MODULE: Q&A&CR&BS w/Greg Burke!! (Patreon)
It's that time again, and about damn time it is! The Beans shall soon be met upon the field of pod-battle by the vast joke-armies of Greg Burke, and it is then, on the Beaning Fields, knee deep in the beans of our own Beans, that we will Answer your Questions, share Comment Reactions, and BullShit!
Please post comments for Greg, Michael and Abe right here below this very post so we'll have things to talk about. I mean, even if you don't, we'll release a Patron-only Beanus Module and it'll be an hour of deep-fried gold, but if you wanna hear your username in the mix or help steer the conversation, you got maybe TEN DAYS to get those comments posted!
So do that.