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 Me, Michael Swaim, am writing a novel, because me so write good. 

It's a fantasy/western/comedy/adventure featuring dimension-hopping, shared consciousness, and a universe I'd love to return to in the future. To get this thing into publishing shape, I am turning to you, the Beloved Beans, to serve as both a looming deadline and my editors. 

I plan to release one chapter a month, every month, on the 1st, until this sucker is complete, and will certainly incorporate wisdom left in the comments into the draft I submit to publishing houses.

Anyone willing to read along is much appreciated, as is all honest feedback. <3M



I also can’t wait to see WHY Foxy’s collar was leading the way. Intriguing.


Idea: I like that you pointed out the “why me” as cliché, making it a meta joke. If you can bring it back up once or twice without overdoing it, you could go for gold. Imagine West charging in to battle, shouting “WHY MEEEEEE!” as a battle cry.