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Hey, Beans! We're officially making February Comeback Month here at SB. Trying to find some new ways to get you engaged, give you more value for your dollar, and keep this pal-powered ROFLcoaster ride barreling heedlessly forward to our collective demise.

To that end, we're going to start broadcasting our regular writing sessions, for anyone who's interested in being a fly on the wall as we totally ignore your existence and continue to work on our spec screenplays as we normally would. Raw, rough, uncut, writing action!

Beginning next week, and until our current action/comedy script FORCE OF NATURE is complete, Small Beans Patrons can tune in from 4pm - 6pm PST Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to check in on our progress, or simply hear how the sausage gets made. Then us eating the sausage, then writing a screenplay.

Links to the broadcasts will be distributed through our Discord, so if you're a Patron, make sure you've got access, and if not, just a buck-a-month gets your ears in the door! More info on the project (which is in rough draft form and just about to go through our revision process) will drop closer to the first broadcast.


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