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Cristian and his stalwart co-pilot Abraham swerve back into sci-fi hilarity  with an overview of awesome guns, both lethal and non-, from our  favorite futurescapes. The Sick Stick pranks alone are worth the price  of admission. 



Mat Brady

Cool episode! I think my favorite scifi gun is the thing from Halo 4 that turns people into computer data (technically non-lethal). And speaking of the gun that shoots guns; <a href="http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/comic/07052010" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/comic/07052010</a>

Patrick Sullivan

You might not give Dr. Who a hard time for being stupid about the sonic screwdriver, but I will. I watched two episodes, and the sonic screwdriver upset me too much - as the epitome of lazy plot devices - for me to want to watch more of the show.