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Hey, you remember that one Simpsons episode where Ruth Powers and Marge flee from Homer and Chief Wiggum across the desert? Wiggum tries to cook engine-block eggs? Well, hey, let's talk about the incredible Ridley Scott movie of which that was a parody! Maggie Mae joins to help us dive into a pretty kickass flick.




This episode really made me wonder if you’ve seen Y Tu Mama Tambien and what you would think about it if you had, since it directly addresses some of the thoughts and questions raised here. (How to make a movie that’s mainly dialogue scenes in a car visually compelling, sex scenes being interesting to watch and essential to character/storytelling, and other stuff that I can’t get into for spoiler reasons.)

Ry Wyche

Id say you're off base with Harvey's character. I feel, in a valiant attempt to be politically correct, you're blinding yourselves to alternative motivations for certain narrative choices. You might at least entertain the idea that his character is, in a way, showing the audience that the film is a little deeper than men vs women. It doesn't always have to be a "not all men" excuse. Without Keitels character it would seem too black and Mr. White. You very well could be right though...Love you all as always!