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Three good friends attempt to define dancing. It's our Wall-E episode!

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Goddamit... The fan-fic would obviously be called Wall-D ...


I always thought the end mosaics showed generational change. The people born in space will always have weak bones their kids would be fine. So John and co probably did live mostly on the ship (the ones who’s hearts didn’t pop as soon as the got to experience a full G) Their kids on the other hand would be able to stand unassisted in Earth gravity and explore. Plus for a ship like that to function there could be little population growth, the people born on Earth will be raw dogging and need to farm as they grow beyond the ships ability to support. On that note the people on the ship were barely aware of anything beyond their chair, and so out of shape pregnancy would be a major health risk. So we’re the robots harvesting DNA, were people ordering kids and getting them made in labs and exowombs or is everyone a perpetual clone of themselves.