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Hey gang, thank you so much for your help in watering the Beans of Success and achieving the Beans of Fruition. We make a lot of bean references here. You'll get used to it. Bean.

As you can see in the left rail, we have just REACHED our latest goal of 8k, which was designed to fund a high-quality, six-episode web-series called DISNEY OWNS YOU (as well as keep the podcast trains running on time). 

That is funded now, so it will start coming out next week. WAHOO! The series includes stellar performances from Katy Stoll, Michael Swaim, Katie Willert, Teddy Garces, Greg Burke, Cody Johnston, Dylan Seaton, Helsey Harps, Bridgett Greenberg, Breandan Carter, Muppet Fuckin' McGee and Daniel Vincent Gordh! It was shot by Michael Cox and Directed by Abe Epperson, 'natch.

You plant the Beans, the Beans plant you back, or something. The point is, thank you, and your gratification will be almost immediate.

Watch the SKIS! (Otherwise you will slalom poorly)



I think this'd be a good time to ask an embarrassing question - I wanna donate more than my amount of $5, but can't figure out how on Patreon. Is there an option I'm missing? Or is $5 the most I'm allowed to donate?


When you click the "become a patron" button at the top of the right pane, click the $5.00+ option and it'll give you the option to custom write in your preferred monthly contribution. That's really kind of you and we'll make sure and do you proud!


*quitely doubles patronage while googling “divorce due to infidelity with a podcast”*