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Behold, the very first video from the very first sketch team (Those Aren't Muskets!) the two guys who made Small Beans put together! It's a parody of an anti-drug ad campaign that was on TV at the time, which dates it nicely, and is one of our few sketches to showcase the stellar comedy instincts of our own Abe Epperson and the above-average nipples of same. Where were YOU when you saw it? Demographically speaking, probably here, now.

It's choppy, it was shot on a DSLR, it's poorly lit, but hey, it's funny. And it hopefully lowers the bar on what kind of production value you expect from the first round of Small Beans videos post-Cracked (and their budgets). More on that to the left, if you're interested in our progress thus far, under GOALS. 

But in the meantime, let's just bask in the sense of community that's starting to form around all things beany, the intense gratitude we feel to have awesome members who will support us continuing to create, and, again, Abe's above-average nips. Weeeeeeeeee love you!


My Anti-Drug

A man seeking marijuana calls his dealer only to find an anti-drug. http://www.thosearentmuskets.com



I wasn’t actually criticising- it was an obscure and lame reference to a chat they had on frame rate about how internationalisation of movies ruined everything :/


Funny but I never saw this ad campaign - you guys obviously aren't writing for an international audience.... but I guess I could google it ...


In fairness, it was the first sketch from his first group. If I made a skit and threw it on YouTube with a few friends, it'd almost be arrogant to assume it would make it to Australia, for example


Those aren't muskets are still some of my favorite videos on YouTube.