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Extree! Extree! - 1/27/18 by Small Beans

Michael and Jonny bring you the news of the week, both Small Beans and otherwise.


Francis Haley

Keep up the awesome work!


I only discovered Cracked about a year and a half ago (queue the lived under a rock jokes) and binged watched their stuff as often as I could for about two weeks in order to catch up. For Cracked to change so suddenly and drastically was disheartening to say the least since it had become an important part of my daily routine. With our current political situation it was a wonderful escape, if only for a short while. Small Beans is no Cracked but Cracked is no longer Cracked because what made Cracked good was the people and a lot of those good people aren't there anymore. I don't know where I was going with this thought but the point I wanted to make was I hope Michael Swaim and Daniel O'Brien can work out their differences not because I want more After Hours (although that would be awesome but I'm under no delusion that is ever going to happen) but because the idea of Cracked alumni collaborating on new projects with no oversight except their own imaginations is nothing short of orgasmic. Thank you Michael and everyone working on Small Beans. I look forward to more glorious content.