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Hello everyone! Here is a map that we wanted to make from a long time ago. Our first vertical Modular Map!

You can build your own modular tower with these 13 tiles.
And the images have transparent background so you can place it in any of our other maps! The ultimate modularity.

There are 3 different Basement tiles in case you also want to extend the tower underground. The  doors to the basement are secret so there is no problem if you don't want to use them. Maybe the alchemist is petrifying people? Maybe the wizard is brewing a dangerous substance?

You can use as many floors as you want and make even an infinitely tall tower. Create your own Wizard Tower, an Astronomer Tower or whatever comes to your mind. You don't need to use the telescopes if you don't want it to be an astronomy tower.

Enjoy building!

For Foundry users

You can either use the scenes included in the module, modify it or build your own tower.

To create your own tower:

1- Create a scene.
2- Open the levels menu and create some levels as follows, you can create as many as you want:

3- Select the level and drag and drop the tile into the scene
4- Keep changing levels and dragging tiles vertically into the scene until you have a tile in every level.
5- That's it! Everything should work smoothly.

This pack uses two key external modules:
-Levels from theripper93.
-Active Tiles from IronMonk
Go check them out, they create awesome modules for Foundry.

Night Variation


Scribe tier

Explorer tier

Cartographer tier

Free version at the bottom of this post.



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